The Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work Regulations 2016

The Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work Regulations 2016 (CEMFAW Regulations) came into force on the 1stJuly 2016 and requires Employers to assess the risks to employees and others from exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF), a form of non-ionising radiation in the workplace.
The regulations require that when personnel may be exposed to levels of EMF that exceed specific thresholds, the Employer must implement appropriate control measures to reduce EMF exposure with a focus on personnel who may be at particular risk such as those who have active implanted medical devices, passive implanted medical devices or body-worn medical devices (example of these can include or body-worn medical devices (e.g. Cardiac Devices, Stents, Heart Valve Prostheses, Annuloplasty Rings, Brainstem Implants, Cochlea Implants, Orthopaedic Implants & Joints, Pins, Plates, Screws, Insulin or Hormone Pumps, Hearing Aids, , Glucose Monitoring Devices, Drug Infusions and Metallic Contraceptive Devices, etc.) and additionally expectant mothers.
L2 has consultants with experience in EMF and compliance to the Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work Regulations 2016 to provide assistance to Employers utilising a phased approach based on:
· Identification of Sources of EMF in the Workplace – this can include Welding Equipment, Induction Heaters/Furnaces, NDTEquipment including Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) and Magnetiser/Demagnetiser, Microwave Heaters/Dryers, Plasma Devices, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Equipment, radio/radar transmitters, etc
· CEMFAW RegulationsCompliance Gap Analysis
· Development of procedures and records to support compliance to CEMFAW Regulations
· Produce EMF Risk Assessment Report and Action Plan
· Delivery of EMF Awareness Training for Management, Supervisors and Operators.
For more information on compliance to the CEMFAW Regulations please get in touch with one of our team.