Practical Radiological Protection and Emergency Response Training for Industrial Radiography

L2 Business Consulting Limited has been successfully delivering classroom radiological protection training relating to industrial radiography (for X-Rays and Gamma) for 10 years as required by the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 (IRR17) for radiography assistants, radiographers and Radiation Protection Supervisors (RPS).
Whilst our classroom training has always included desktop emergency exercises, there has been increasing market demand over recent years for more practical training, hence we have developed a new practical radiological protection training course to address industrial radiography best practice and emergency response. Over the last 12 months, we have now delivered over ten of these new practical courses to a range of NDT clients.
The new course lasts one-day duration, covers up to 8 participants and is normally delivered at the client premises by one of our experienced Radiation Protection Advisers (RPA). In addition to satisfying the employee training requirements of IRR17, the training course also provides evidence of Contingency Plan rehearsal.
The first half of the training course covers best practice in:
- Shielded Enclosure Radiography (including Installed Control Measures and their Safety Function, Pre-Use Safety Checks and Records, Practical Demonstration of Enclosure Radiography and requirements for Radioactive Materials Storage)
- Site Radiography (including Establishing and Setting-up Barriers, Pre-Use Safety Checks and Records, Exposure Set-Up, Warning Systems including devices, signals and signage together with other requirements including search/patrol, radiation monitoring, emergency equipment, communications and client co-operation)
- Radioactive Materials Transport by Road (including Package Labelling and Secure Stowage, Vehicle Placarding, Safety/Security Checks, Radiation Measurements and Completion of Transport Documentation).
The second half of the training course address emergency response including radiation accident diagnostics and the selection of the correct recovery techniques for:
- Stuck Gamma Radiography Source (covering Crushed Guidetube, Damaged Windout Gear, Automatic Windout Failure)
- Disconnected Gamma Radiography Source
- X-Ray Exposure Fails to Terminate
- Possible/Suspected Over Exposure (including Unauthorised Entry to Radiation Controlled Area)
- Failure of Installed Safety Features and Warning Devices
- RAM Road Transport Accident.
We provide all participants with a short course notes booklet and at the end of the course, all participants completed a short written assessment. Subject to successful completion of the course participants are provided with a Course Certificate.