L2 supports existing and prospective Nuclear Site Licensees by providing advice on the regulatory requirements from the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) to hold and operate a Nuclear Site Licence. L2 has worked with a number of Nuclear Site Licensees including waste management, waste disposal, nuclear new build and decommissioning sites developing application documentation and undertaking peer review.
Our team is highly experienced in the development of Nuclear Site Licence Applications, including the proportionate organisational capability arrangements for the Nuclear Site Licence applicant and the underpinning documentation including for example Integrated Management Prospectus, Nuclear Baseline, Intelligent Customer Strategy and Licence Condition Compliance Plans. L2 have also provided advice to Customers on the development of a suitable nuclear safety culture that underpins the organisational capability.
L2 also has experience in supporting reactor technology Generic Design Assessment (GDA) against the published guidance from Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) Guidance to Requesting Parties and Environment Agency (EA)/Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Process and Information Document for GDA of Candidate Nuclear Power Plant Designs.
Our offerings include:
- Development of Nuclear Site Licence Application Strategy
- Development of Nuclear Site Licence Head Document
- Development of Integrated Management Prospectus
- Support for the development of Company Manual
- Support for the development of Management Systems
- Development of Nuclear Baseline Report
- Undertaking organisational gap analysis
- Development of procedures to manage organisational change
- Development of Intelligent Customer Strategies and Implementation Plans
- Development of Holding Point Strategy
- Development of Nuclear Site Licence Forward Action Plan
- Development of Nuclear Safety Case Strategy
- Undertaking Radiation Modelling and Dose Assessment
- Regulatory interface support
- Nuclear Site Licence Training
- Independent Peer Review
- Independent Technical Assessment
- Readiness Reviews

Talk to us about our Nuclear Licensing Services
We help Customers develop an appropriate and proportionate Organisational Capability to demonstrate compliance to the nuclear safety regulatory requirements that relate to the Nuclear Site Licence and Radioactive Substances Activity (RSA) permit/authorisation.
We support Customers to develop a fit for purpose Integrated Management Prospectus, Resource Strategy, Intelligent Customer Strategy, Organisational Design Principles and Nuclear Baseline to maintaining safe operations during normal activities and emergencies. This allows Customers to demonstrate effective Organisational Capability, evaluate organisational resilience, undertake vulnerability analysis and where appropriate undertake mitigation actions.
L2 also work with Customers to develop procedures for the control of Organisational Capabilities including the development of process, procedures and templates for the enacting the Management of Organisational Change.

Additional Key Offerings
L2 Business Consulting Key Service Offerings
Radiological Protection
Provision of RPA and DGSA services.
Environmental Protection
Supporting site operators ensure compliance to regulatory requirements.
Radioactive Waste
Advice on radioactive waste management in the nuclear, oil/gas and industrial markets.
Environmental Permitting
Helping you to meet environmental permit requirements.
Health and Safety
Expert advice in the delivery of regulatory compliance across a range of industries.
L2 Resource Centre
Visit our comprehensive resource area.