L2 Joins Decom North Sea

With over 600 offshore oil and gas installations in the North Sea – many of which are coming to the end of their life expectancies – there is an expectation of major uplift in decommissioning projects over the next 25 years. The latest estimates for long term decommissioning costs in the North Sea region are around £35bn from now until 2040.
L2 has provided services into the oil and gas decommissioning sector for a number of years and have taken the decision to step up our profile in the sector, one of which is becoming a member of Decom North Sea, the trade association for the sector.
Our services include:
- Preparation of Decommissioning Programmes
- Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)
- Integrated Waste Strategy including Characterisation and Waste Inventories
- Radiation Protection Advisers (RPA) under IRR99
- Radioactive Waste Advisers (RWA) under EPR10/RSA93
- Radioactive Material (RAM) Transport including DGSA
- Safety Culture Assessment
- Health & Safety Services
- Contaminated Land
- Training