The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA) lays down wide-ranging duties on employers. Employers must protect the ‘health, safety and welfare’ at work of all their employees (permanent and temporary), as well as others on their premises including the self-employed, visitors and the general public.
L2 provide a team of highly qualified consultants with a wealth of experience in delivery of regulatory compliance and industry best practice across a range of organisations including power generation, manufacturing, oil/gas, engineering and other high hazard industries.
L2’s advice and solutions have been developed to address the needs of businesses that want practical and robust solutions to manage their health and safety needs in a cost-effective manner.
We provide our clients with a range of health and safety advice and all documentation we offer is legally compliant and effective in line with best practice, including:
- Review of client’s Safety Management System including a gap analysis to current and future regulatory requirements and recommendations for improvement
- Development of bespoke Safety Management Systems for your organisation, configured and branded for your business
- Support for completion of client’s supplier/contractor questionnaires and preparation for client audits/inspections
- Support to gain Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) accreditation such as CHAS and SafeContractor accreditation
- Undertaking independent health and safety inspections and audits of your business and your supply chains
- Undertaking Risk Assessments covering Noise, Manual Handling, COSHH, Fire, Electricity, Display Screen Equipment, Machinery, Working at Height, etc.
- Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 compliance advice
- Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015 compliance advice
- General and bespoke Health and Safety Training
- Safety Culture Assessment
- Accident and Incident Investigation including support to regulator notification and engagement

Talk to us about our Health and Safety Services
Contact L2 to discuss your Health and Safety requirements in detail.
We can help safeguard your company from risks to your employees, loss of business, reputational risk, regulatory enforcement action and potential prosecution by ensuring your health and safety arrangements are compliant and remain valid for the scope of your business activities.

Additional Key Offerings
L2 Business Consulting Key Service Offerings
Radiological Protection
Provision of RPA and DGSA services.
Environmental Protection
Supporting site operators ensure compliance to regulatory requirements.
Radioactive Waste
Advice on radioactive waste management in the nuclear, oil/gas and industrial markets.
Nuclear Licensing
Advice on regulatory requirements apply, hold and operate a Nuclear Site License.
Environmental Permitting
Expert advice in the delivery of regulatory compliance across a range of industries.
L2 Resource Centre
Visit our comprehensive resource area.