Site operators need to ensure that their activities are undertaken to in accordance with the applicable regulation, regulatory guidance and industry best practice. L2 offers advice and technical assessments associated with protection of the environment from activities. Our approach is based upon years of experience in delivering practical and cost-effective solutions to ensure compliance. We can offer support across a range of Environmental Protection areas including:
Land Quality – our advice includes undertaking desktop studies, design of site investigations (covering chemical and radiochemical), assessment of site investigation results, data management, development of baseline site contamination reports/site condition reports, human health risk assessment (including use of EA CLEA and RCLEA tools), design of site remediation studies, cost estimates, liability estimates, undertaking due diligence (for mergers/acquisitions) and regulatory/stakeholder engagement.
L2 have been involved in one of Europe’s largest site investigation in recent years for the Moorside project to build a new nuclear power station adjacent to the existing Sellafield nuclear site. This involved two phases of site investigation covering surface gamma spectroscopy survey, surface sampling of soils and waters and chemical/radiochemical analysis, drilling of over 400 boreholes (including sampling of soils, rock and groundwater and chemical/radiochemical/physical analysis) plus a campaign of off-shore investigation including seabed marine sediment sampling and chemical/radiochemical/physical analysis plus the drilling of a number of off-shore boreholes including chemical/radiochemical/physical analysis of marine sediments and rock.
Environmental Compliance – L2 supports Customers in ensuring environmental compliance for their site activities to ensure they meet the industry specific regulatory requirements and guidance.
Our services including development environmental control documentation (e.g. standards, procedures, management plans, checklists, ALARP assessments, BAT assessments and permit operating techniques).
We also provide support to Customers in the development of corporate Environmental Management Systems that meet the requirements of ISO 14001:2015.

Talk to us about our Environmnental Protection Services
Contact L2 to discuss your Environmental Protection requirements in detail.
L2 have supported NuGeneration Limited over the last five years in the development of the integrated management system including the specific procedures for environmental protection and control, EPR16 permit compliance plans, environmental protection plans, site resource & waste management plans and contingency plans for environmental incidents.
L2 have undertaken independent audits/inspections of Customers compliance to corporate requirements, regulatory requirements, environmental/hazardous substances safety cases and site-specific permit/licence/authorisations.
We have also provided environmental protection training to Customers covering pollution prevention, environmental permit compliance, waste management, control of hazardous substances and environmental incident response.
Due Diligence – L2 provides advice to Customers undertaking mergers and acquisitions both from the selling and purchasing perspective, helping Customers understand potential areas of risk, liability, industry specific regulatory requirements and areas post transaction where improvements may be required. L2 understands the requirements that this work is often required with a quick turnaround and the additional confidentiality given the sensitive nature of transactions.

Additional Key Offerings
L2 Business Consulting Key Service Offerings
Radiological Protection
Provision of RPA and DGSA services.
Environmental Permitting
Helping you to meet environmental permit requirements.
Radioactive Waste
Advice on radioactive waste management in the nuclear, oil/gas and industrial markets.
Nuclear Licensing
Advice on regulatory requirements apply, hold and operate a Nuclear Site License.
Health and Safety
Expert advice in the delivery of regulatory compliance across a range of industries.
L2 Resource Centre
Visit our comprehensive resource area.