Environmental Permitting

L2 Business Icon Environmental Permitting

L2 helps our Customers meet the regulatory requirements for those activities which may require an environmental permit/authorisation or use of an environmental exemption from permitting/authorisation. This typically includes activities that have the potential to pollute the air, water or land, could lead to an increase in flood risk or adversely affect land drainage.

L2 has extensive experience in understanding and providing advice to Customers on implementing the specific regulatory requirements as well as interaction with the environmental protection regulators (Environment Agency, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Natural Resources Wales and Northern Ireland Environment Agency), Natural England, Scottish Natural Heritage, Marine Maritime Organisation and Local Authorities. L2 has significant experience in working with and integrating with the planning consent workstream including a recent national infrastructure project development consent order application.

Our strength lies in our environmental permitting professionals who have extensive experience in the development of environmental permit applications for various sectors in the UK plus the practical experience of having implemented, varied and surrendered a number of environmental permits/authorisations.

As well as managing the development of environmental permit applications and variations for our customers, we can also prepare all the underpinning technical assessments including:

  • Review of key legislation, regulation and guidance
  • Characterisation of Effluent(s) Chemistry
  • Pollution Prevention Techniques
  • Assessment of Best Available Techniques (BAT)/Best Practical Means (BPM) (including identification and categorisation of Environmental Structures, Systems and Components/Environmental Functional Requirements)
  • Development of Integrated Waste Strategy
  • Approach to Emission Sampling, Monitoring and Analysis
  • Baseline Environmental Data/Site Condition Report
  • Environmental Risk Assessment
  • Summary of Management Arrangements/Operating Techniques (including development of management systems and management plans)
  • Proposed approach to Accident/Incident Management
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Talk to us about our Environmnental Permitting Services

Contact L2 to discuss your Environmental Permitting requirements in detail.

L2 has worked on number of standard and bespoke environmental permit/authorisation applications, variations and surrenders including:

  • Radioactive Substance Activity (non-nuclear) for use of radioactive material, receiving, accumulation and disposal of radioactive waste and the keeping and use mobile radioactive apparatus
  • Radioactive Substances Activity (nuclear) for the operation and decommissioning of a range of nuclear licensed sites including new nuclear build, operating nuclear plant and the decommissioning of redundant nuclear plans
  • Water Discharge Activity for the discharge of surface water, cooling water, process effluents and foul water into surface waters and coastal waters from a number of nuclear, oil/gas and industrial operators
  • Combustion Activity for the operation of diesel generators and gas turbine generators (including EU Emissions Trading System registration and associated plans)
  • Flood Risk Activity – associated with temporary construction works near a main river, operation of permanent structures in a main river, undertaking specified activities in a flood plan and alteration to flood defences
  • Groundwater Investigation Consents for various site investigations
  • Waste Operations from the operation of a waste transfer station
  • Marine Licences for the off-shore temporary and permanent construction works, dredging works, disposal of dredged materials and operation of permanent structures

Associated with permit/authorisation applications is the need to undertake Environmental Risk Assessment, which can include pollutant discharge modelling and impact assessment on the public and non-humans. L2 can undertake this work in some areas and for other areas we work in partnership with a number of other specialist consultancy to delivery the capability to our Customers.

Our in-house capabilities includes: EA IRAT, PC Cream 08, Microshield, ERICA and EA R&D128 all for radioactive discharges and for non-radioactive discharges the EA H1 software tool. We are familiar with the requirements for a range of other software tools including ADMS, Delft3D, CORMIX, MIKE 11 and MIKE 21.

In respect of Customers who hold Radioactive Substance Activity environment permits/authorisations, L2 also employ a number of Radioactive Waste Advisers (RWA’s), who Customers can appoint to provide advice as required by the permit/authorisation.

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L2 have supported clients on developing the associated Management Arrangements and Operating Techniques need to support permit/authorisation application and the subsequent implementation and management of the permit/authorisation including:


  • Integrated management systems including environment permit/authorisation procedures
  • Corporate structure, governance and organisation
  • Environmental leadership, direction, control and key roles
  • Environmental capability including resource planning, competency, training and qualifications
  • On-going control and demonstration of BAT/BPM
  • Change control and living management arrangements
  • Learning organisation including continuous improvement
  • Permit reporting and notification arrangements
  • Knowledge management
  • Safety culture
  • Emergency arrangements

Additional Key Offerings

L2 Business Consulting Key Service Offerings

Radiological Protection

Provision of RPA and DGSA services.

Environmental Protection

Supporting site operators ensure compliance to regulatory requirements.

Radioactive Waste

Advice on radioactive waste management in the nuclear, oil/gas and industrial markets.

Nuclear Licensing

Advice on regulatory requirements apply, hold and operate a Nuclear Site License.

Health and Safety

Expert advice in the delivery of regulatory compliance across a range of industries.

L2 Resource Centre

Visit our comprehensive resource area.