Technical Consultancy working in sectors which utilise ionising radiations and/or radioactive substances


L2 Business Consulting Limited are an UK based independent technical consultancy providing advice to sectors utilising ionising radiations and and/or radioactive substances including nuclear, oil/gas, manufacturing, veterinary, food/drink, academic, transport, medical and security.

L2 was established in 2009 as a team of industry experienced technical specialists based in Newcastle upon Tyne, providing services to clients throughout the UK and internationally.

Key Offerings

Environmental Permitting

Helping you to meet your regulatory requirements for any activities which require an environmental permit/authorisation from application to surrender.

Radiological Protection

We are a provider of Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) services to organisations who work with ionising radiation and Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser (DGSA) services to those organisations who transport radioactive materials.

Environmental Protection

We provide advice on all aspects of environmental compliance to site operators to ensure that their activities do not cause environmental pollution.

Radioactive Waste

We provide technical and regulatory support to existing and prospective generators of radioactive waste including appointment as Radioactive Waste Advisers (RWA).

Nuclear Licensing

We support existing and prospective Nuclear Site Licensees by providing advice on the regulatory requirements to hold and operate a Nuclear Site Licence.

Health and Safety

L2 provides you with a team of highly qualified safety consultants with a wealth of experience in the delivery of regulatory compliance and industry best practice across a range of industry sectors.

The L2 approach to delivery is based upon solutions from decades of real implementation experience, not just the consultancy theory. We ensure our customer's success by providing named experienced personnel who are dedicated to your projects.

Our aim is to support companies across the entirety of the asset cycle, from project inception, through construction, operations, decommissioning and site remediation. L2 provides independent advice through the application of proven solutions based on experience to allow customers to achieve their objectives, ensuring delivery to programme, cost and importantly regulatory acceptability.

L2 operates an integrated management system (IMS) that complies with the required regulatory requirements and standards for the sectors in which we operate. Our IMS is third party accredited to ISO9001:2015 by LRQA.

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Latest News

Radiation Protection Requirements for Source Exchange in Industrial Radiography

Source Exchange is undertaken to temporarily remove and return a Source Assembly from a Gamma Source Projector to allow examination, maintenance and test to be undertaken on the projector or to allow a redundant Source Assembly (spent) to be removed and replaced with a new Source Assembly. Ideally Source Exchange should be undertaken off-site in…

Read More about Radiation Protection Requirements for Source Exchange in Industrial Radiography

Radiation Protection Requirements for use of Desktop XRF Analysers

X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) is a non-destructive analytical technique used to determine the elemental composition of materials and can also be used to determine the thickness of coatings applied to a material. Desktop XRF Analysers contain a relatively low energy X-Ray Generator, which is a source of ionising radiation. This article highlights key radiation protection requirements…

Read More about Radiation Protection Requirements for use of Desktop XRF Analysers

The New IRR17 Consent Process

The Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 (IRR17) brought into effect a new Graded Approach for how regulators (HSE, ONR and HSENI, we focus on HSE in this article) would authorise work with ionising radiation – the higher the radiation protection risk, the greater the requirements. A three-tier system of regulatory control, Notification, Registration and Consent was…

Read More about The New IRR17 Consent Process

L2 signatories and accreditations:

Charter for Nuclear Decommissioning sites:

L2 are accredited to ISO9001:

Cyber Essentials Certified

Supply chain code of practice: